Lumicharge offers an array of technological devices that will light up your life. Whether you are a student, business owner, or someone who likes to read before going to bed, Lumicharge has something useful for your space.
If you are looking for a new Led lamp desk, Bluetooth speaker, or even a universal phone clock to charge your devices, then LumiCharge has you covered! LumiCharge devices work well as home or office accessories and can serve multiple uses at the touch of your fingertips.

Light up your Home or Office with the LumiCharge 2.
You might be working from home nowadays.. and if that's the case, you will need to recreate your office space in one of your household rooms. The first thing you want to check off your shopping list is LumiCharge's All-in-One LED lamp desk. This multifunctional, eye-friendly smart lamp not only illuminates your workspace with 10 levels of brightness, but has 3 hues of color with a screen that displays helpful information such as the time, date, and temperature to prepare you for almost anything.
If you need to charge your smartphone amidst a busy day of work calls and emails. you don't need to search for your charging cable because this smart lamp has a built-in universal dock charger. The Lumicharge II will help you de-clutter your workspace so that you can focus on what matters.

Be the DJ at the party using the Bluetooth speaker.
We all love a device that combines multiple home accessories into one unique design. Whether you are wanting to play some music, charge your phone, check the date, or set an alarm. Lumicharge-LD can do it all for you! The worst part about hooking your phone up to music is that your battery drains simultaneously. But with this device, you can charge your phone and connect to Bluetooth to play your jams. Continue to be the DJ at your party with no worries. While hosting a party you have the option to charge your friend's devices using the two additional USB ports.

Charge any Device using the Universal Dock charger.
It doesn't matter which smartphone you have, we all struggle to keep the battery charged throughout the day. Instead of frantically searching for which power cable fits your phone, LumiCharge's Universal Dock Charging is the solution to your problems and your dead phone.
This device has a rotating dial, you can select the make or model charger that's compatible with your phone. Adding this product to your world will ensure your phone is continuously charging and guarantees that you will never end with a dried battery. So say goodbye to cable-clutter, dim office spaces, and more with these 3 LumiCharge devices for your office or home.