Conquer a clean bedroom - Lumicharge

3 Tips to Conquer A Clean Bedroom

Cleaning your bedroom can either be a fun, rewarding activity, or a pesky chore that wipes out all of your energy. Even though it can be overwhelming at times, cleaning your room is an essential task that must be done for improved mental and physical health. When everything in your room is organized and clean, it encourages more productivity and a happier state of mind. Here are 3 tips to help you conquer a clean bedroom:


Sort Items in Piles:

Normally the first thing you want to do when you clean your room is to gather all the scraps and trash that don’t belong. Once you have completed that task, the next step is to start creating piles of specific items — this will help create a method to the madness. We suggest that you begin with the random objects on your desk, nightstands, dressers, etc. This will help you decide what is worth keeping and what is worth putting in a storage box. 

Another pile will be allocated to your clothes. With spring now in full swing and summer on the horizon, you may want to switch out your winter wardrobe for more lightweight wear. Making room in your closet will allow you to step up your style and wear some items you may have forgotten all about. Also, that big heaping pile of clothes floating around your room will now allow more space for activities (or a clear mind!) 


Wipe Down All Surfaces:

Dust and dander are the main culprits for allergies and skin irritations. Your room is not completely cleaned until you wipe down surfaces near and far. Don’t forget window sills, blind shades, and fan blades. Millions of people suffer year-round from allergy symptoms caused by indoor allergens. Avoid this by eliminating as much debris as possible. Use Lysol to disinfect, and a soapy rag or sponge to get the clean-surface job done!


Declutter Cords with Lumicharge:

Another way to declutter your room and organize your personal space is to downsize the number of cords in your room. If you have a separate cord for your phone charger, alarm clock, lamp, and more, you can declutter your space by investing in a Lumicharge device. Our all-in-one LED Desk Lamp provides you with everything you need AND MORE! The best LED desk lamp with a dock charger in the market, our Lumicharge II contains innovative features such as a lighting system with three different hues and ten levels of brightness, 2 charging options for all smartphones, and a built-in motion sensor, calendar, and alarm clock. Check out the rest of our technological collection to upgrade your room or office space now! 


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